Project Description: The project proposes to construct two 165,000 square foot five-story office buildings totaling 330,000 square feet; a five-level parking garage and surface lots providing a total of 980 parking spaces; and site and public right-of-way improvements. The project proposes to construct new five-foot sidewalks along the site’s frontage on Oakmead Village Court and central Expressway, which would connect to the existing sidewalk on Bowers Avenue. The proposed office buildings would be 87.5 feet in height at the top of the roof screen and the parking structure would be 63.5 feet at the top of the elevator tower. The proposed project would result in a floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.05.
The project requires the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; Zoning Administrator approval of a Modification to increase maximum building height from 70 feet to 86.5 feet; and Architectural approval at a public noticed Development Review Hearing. Development Review Hearing approval on May 11, 2022
File Number: PLN2019-14222 and CEQ2020-01074
APN: 216-48-033
Property Owner: The Sobrato Organization
Applicant: Evan Sockalosky, Arc Tech, Inc.
Project Planner: Nimisha Agrawal, Senior Planner,, 408-615-2467
Development Plans (PDF)
Environmental Documents