City of Santa Clara
MenuNoise Monitoring Data
The City has installed noise monitors in the neighborhood to the south and east of Levi’s© Stadium. These monitors record noise levels on an ongoing basis. Noise sources in this neighborhood include aircraft approaching and/or departing from San Jose Mineta International Airport and events at Levi’s© Stadium, as well as traffic and typical neighborhood activities. The monitors record the noise level at any moment in weighted decibels (or dBA) which is a measure of sound energy level weighted to represent what is normally perceptible to the human ear (e.g. discounting very low and very high pitched sounds which the human ear cannot hear).
Data from the City’s noise monitors is available to the public through a website maintained by the City’s acoustic engineering consultant. Noise levels are presented on the website in three different formats:
- A table indicating the one-hour average noise level in weighted decibels (dBA Leq 1Hr). The data in this table uses an algorithm to exclude airplane noises to better represent sound levels directly related to events at the stadium. The City’s permits for the stadium state that stadium events should not cause the one-hour average noise level in the neighborhood to exceed 60 dBA Leq 1HR.
- A table indicating the average noise levels (dBA) in three-minute intervals. This table also includes a speaker icon that links to a recording of any interval during which the noise levels exceed 65 dBA, so that it is possible to listen to the louder sound event.
- A spreadsheet that provides the recorded dBA for each second throughout the day.
The data may be viewed with or without a filter that removes the noise levels caused by airplanes approaching and/or departing from San Jose Mineta International Airport. A button on the webpage allows you to toggle the filter.
Complaints about stadium noise may be submitted on-line through the Stadium Authority website.
Information on how to make a complaint by phone related to noise or other concerns is available at Code Enforcement Contact Information.
Code enforcement complaints for City departments can also be submitted via the Email Us page. Make sure to provide sufficient detail and your name and telephone number so that we can contact you if we need more information. Email is monitored on weekdays.